Book Signing (con’t)

You may be wondering what to do with yourself at your first book signing. I’ve given a few suggestions in my previous notes. Here are a few more ideas. 9. Place your books to the side so you have room in front of you to see your guests and sign your books. 10. Speak the truth in love. In other words, tell people you write ‘fiction’ or ‘non-fiction.’ Don’t be afraid to say the word, ‘Christian’ whether you’re in a secular setting or a Christian bookstore. 11. Ask yourself: ‘What is my purpose for being here today?’ Would it hurt if you didn’t sell as many books as you intended to? At Barnes and Noble I received only the royalties from the 26 books I signed. They chose to order my books ahead of time and sell them at retail. But, I did receive plenty of publicity: posters they made up and placed in the store prior to the book signing; posters I brought; business cards I brought; they advertised my signing in the local newspaper, etc. 12. Try not to be pushy, but don’t be afraid to get up and offer your writing or your bookmarks as people enter the store (depending on where your table or area is located). 13. Try not to get side-tracked by one person that is talkative. Listen attentively, but be ready to politely ask them to wait or come back later so you can serve others interested in your writing. 14. Be careful not to mention the negative parts of your writing. Sometimes there may be scenes with blood and major conflict or tragedy. Leave these scenes for their discovery. Rather, share some highlights that may draw them into the storyline. 15. Don’t beat yourself up over people who say ‘No thank you.’ Or, who turn away from an offer for a bookmark, etc. Just say, ‘Okay,’ and move on. Don’t take negative comments or actions personally. Not everyone is going to be interested in your writing.16. There’s a limit to how much energy you have and how much of yourself you can give. I stayed at Barnes and Noble for almost twelve hours. Finally, my wife called and reminded me to eat some lunch. Funny how we can forget where we are and meet our personal needs. Be sure to take care of ‘you!’