Handling Bullies: One Reason to Write!

Writing books is not a dream for me. It used to be. Now, I’ve written two novels and plan to write one more to complete a trilogy. I didn’t start writing my first book in order to achieve recognition. I wrote my first book in order to share how it feels to have ‘bullies’ in my past and provide some answers for those who have ‘bullies’ in their lives.

Hopefully, I gave some clear ideas for my readers to consider whether their ‘bullies’ are in their past or someone they face daily at work, school or home. Many of us are challenged by others and we need ways to handle these circumstances. The three rules of The Realm have helped me overcome the anger and frustration I’ve experienced from past and present day ‘bullies.’

A good reason to write for me is to share a novel or book that readers love and learn from. If my books have helped my readers in some way, I accomplished my initial goal. Beyond that I hope my books are fun to read.