Hang In There, Writer!

Are you new at writing? Hang in there! Have you given your audience something exciting to read and enjoy?  Hang in there! Maybe you’ve published a book or two and haven’t had much action or attentiveness to your book or website. It’s ok. Hang in there! Don’t get too upset if you haven’t made the bestseller list. Time and experience are the key ingredients to success. And keep writing! Hang in there!

Thanksgiving means being able to thank God and people and yourself for your initial investments in writing. My books have been out there for nearly four years. Bestsellers? Not by a long shot. But read and enjoyed by many of my audience and fans: yes! I’ve hung in there! And so should you!

I love my story about James and Kevin, Jessie and Christopher! It took three books to tell it and there’s still more to tell. But what I’ve shared so far is exhilarating and fun with lots of dialogue and challenges the kids face throughout their journeys together. I’m hanging in there! You should too!

Hang in there, dear writer! Hang on to your storyline and fill your story with lots of conflict, strong characters, and meaningful outcomes. Keep your point of view character always telling the story, always from his/her perspective, and growing personally.

Write well, finish well, and learn the craft of writing along the way. Read books, take classes, write what you love, and become a better writer each year you invest your deserving time into this art form. And by all means, hang in there! You will win if you hang in there till you reach the finish line of each project!