Keep Writing

It’s easy to stop doing things that help us. Writing helps an author keep his/her material fresh. Re-writing and editing our fresh material helps keep it even fresher, relevant and reader-friendly. So, keep writing if you’re an author. Keep dieting if you’re losing weight. Keep doing what helps and stop doing what hinders.
Easier said than done, but anything worth doing will require work: sometimes hard work; sometimes thoughtful work; sometimes unappreciated work; sometimes sweaty work; sometimes long, arduous, days-gone-by work! But keep at it. This past week, I had to change a front headlight that had gone out. It took nearly three hours because the light fixture was located in a hard-to-get-to area. Finally, I had to remove the battery, and even then it was hard to replace this lightbulb. But, after taking a middle-of-the-project break, I completed the task. Do you know how good it feels to have accomplished that task? REAL good!
Writing can be just as tough. But we must keep at it. I may not write something every day, but I try not to let a week pass without having written something on a present manuscript, or in my journal.