Writing to Reflect God’s Person

My writing should rub off God’s presence on the reader. It’s not enough that I have a storyline or message per say, but in the act of reading my writing, others should get a sense that God is behind it all. I believe God is personal and interested in each one of us. He is […]

Puzzled about Writing?

I’m presently writing my third novel in my series: Dragon Riders of The Realm. Good writing requires an author to write scenes, going back again and again to each scene to see how it reads, feels and connects with the storyline. It’s like putting a puzzle together piece by piece. You can’t rush it. You […]

Writing v. Publishing

I said for years, “I’m going to write a book.” Then, during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) I wrote over 19,000 words in 2012. I continued writing in December, January, February and March, 2013. Finally I had written approximately 52,000 words. I read ‘The Fine Print of Self-Publishing’ by Mark Levine. I searched the web […]

Writer’s Block

When you’ve put off your writing because you don’t feel like writing, because you don’t have any ideas to move the story forward, because you’re too tired or too busy or too stressed out — think about ‘ A Writer’s Block.’ In other words, a neighborhood block with houses lining the street and you live […]

On Vacation…Now Back to Writing!

Dear Friends, My family and I actually visited Yellowstone National Park and Jackson Hole, Wyoming a few weeks ago. I write about these two areas of our country in my second book, Dragon Riders of The Realm The Truth Will Triumph. I hope you’ll check out both of my books. In writing a third book I’m […]

God’s Amazing Kindness for Writers

Today, two thoughts came to my attention about writing for God’s glory: 1. Just the act of writing, not necessarily writing something on the page, can be an act of worship. Making an effort, taking a first step toward, looking in the direction of the Lord in order to obey Him; all of these actions […]

Keep Writing

It’s easy to stop doing things that help us. Writing helps an author keep his/her material fresh. Re-writing and editing our fresh material helps keep it even fresher, relevant and reader-friendly. So, keep writing if you’re an author. Keep dieting if you’re losing weight. Keep doing what helps and stop doing what hinders. Easier said […]