Busy Day with Other Writers

Saturday, April 5, 2014 was a great day for me. I went to hear Donita K. Paul share at the local chapter of American Christian Fiction Writers meeting. She informed and entertained us regarding presentations as authors/speakers. We need to know our topic, our audience, the facility, ages, etc. We need to structure our talk […]

Take Some Courses in Writing

I recently signed up Online with freelancewritingcourses.com and am taking a Masters Fiction Writing Course. It consists of ten lessons from a fiction writer who has published over 90 books. I need to be learning about fiction writing, even if I’ve already published two books. The cost was only $47.00. Well worth it!

Two Book Signings Coming in April 2014

Dear Friends, I have my next book signing on April 19, Easter Weekend at Barnes and Noble Booksellers, 795 Citadel Drive E, in the Citadel Mall, Colorado Springs, Colorado. I plan to be there from 10:00 AM till late afternoon or early evening. Both of my books should be available; Book One: Dragon Riders of […]

Second Book is Now Available!

HI everyone. My second Book: from Dragon Riders of The Realm series, entitled Caves of Conquest, is now available on Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, and Apple as an eBook and soon if not now, as a printed paperback. Thanks for your support and prayers that my books will win young people to Christ. My website […]

Book Two in View; How about You?

Last year I predicted that I would have two books published before the end of the year (2013). That didn’t happen. But, by God’s grace I am nearing the end of Book Two in my series: Dragon Riders of The Realm. That is exciting news! Book Two is entitled: Caves of Conquest. I was asked […]

Writing Can Be Fun!

1. On your free time, write! Write about an answer to prayer. 2. Think about your neighborhood or housing area or apartment. Describe the sounds you hear daily. 3. Ask if you can contribute a poem or article for the church bulletin, local newspaper or to the school newspaper. Write about the weather or an […]

Writing Isn’t Easy!

Think it’s easy to write? Think again. It’s as easy to write, as it is to have devotions everyday. It’s as easy to write as changing a flat tire. It’s as easy to write as it is to stop going to the refrigerator and eating something every ten minutes. It’s as easy to write, as […]

Book Signing (con’t)

You may be wondering what to do with yourself at your first book signing. I’ve given a few suggestions in my previous notes. Here are a few more ideas. 9. Place your books to the side so you have room in front of you to see your guests and sign your books. 10. Speak the […]