Quiz Time

Read Book 1 and Make Up a Quiz for Readers to Use While Reading

Do you know the main character reminds me of myself, being bullied when I was in elementary school, middle school, and high school? Did you know there are at least fifteen dragons mentioned by name in Book 1 of Dragon Riders of The Realm? There are four kids in this trilogy, that take up most of the action! Do you know their names, ages, and birth dates? You’d probably have to read all three books to get that information.

By reading a chapter at a time, you can come up with questions or statements (T or F) to test a reader’s knowledge. Quizzes are fun and challenging.

Submit your questions/T or F statements, and we’ll evaluate them. Then, we can post the best ones to put together a finalQuiz.

Have fun!

It may take quite a while for some of you to read Book 1, but let’s start there. Take the rest of July, 2020, and create a test, quiz, or knowledge check, for reader’s to use while reading Book 1. Make it interesting, challenging, some questions easy, some difficult.

Try to submit them by August 31, 2020, about two months from now. If we use one of your questions in our final copy of the Quiz, we’ll come up with a prize. Let’s say, if you’re a winner, I will pay for an E-copy of book 1, or Book 2, or of Book 3, your choice. How’s that for an offer? We’ll decide the winners and work out a deal for each person who submitted a question that was on the quiz. God bless! The Quiz will have ten to fifteen questions/T or F statements.


Sincerely, John Wheeler Tucker